Regenerative Charging Technique for Electrical Vehicles


Kumar Dr. R. VinodORCID, ,Gnanesh Mr. Sarkar MuraliORCID,Akash Mr. GudlaORCID,Reddy Mr. Guda TejanandaORCID, , ,


Various sources of power generation techniques are in use in recent days. Automated vehicles have a tremendous future. Road transportation is majorly used transportation. Usage of car is drastically increased and the need for the petrol and diesel are increased. Now days due to these electric vehicles are started to implement in our country. Even government is started to encourage the electric vehicle developers. At a public parking facility, only electric vehicles (EVs) that are parked at dedicated parking spaces with charging points can enjoy charging services. Installing a charging point at each parking slot is very expensive. As an alternative, this project proposes the novel idea in a public transport facility, only electric vehicles (EVs) that can drive at dedicated with wireless charging path which can enjoy charging services. Installing a Wireless Charging Path (WCP) as Electric Vehicle Service Road (EVSR). Like service roads will be easy for charging the EVs wirelessly while traveling. Charging mechanism of vehicles is done via a wireless which reduces the requirement of cables, reduce the waiting time for charging and also has generating system based on solar energy. It is also based on ais artificial intelligence system.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering







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