Evaluation of Methods to Enhance the Ocean Wave Energy Convertor Performance


Al-jabar Hashim Aous Abd,Abbas Abdul Mun’em,Abed Layth,Al-Samari Ahmed,Akroot Abdulrazzak


Ocean energy represented by waves is considered as a one of the renewable energy sources. This study aims to evaluate the methods that enhancing the ocean wave energy convertor performance. The mechanism of wave energy convertor is by converting mechanical energy to an electricity energy using DC generator and running by the pulling of wire due to ocean wave movement. Moreover, the test and analyze of converting the wave energy to electricity are conducted. Firstly, the role of numerical modeling lies in fabricating the tested rig in addition to study and analyze the buoyancy and stability in fluid mechanics as results of converting the kinetic energy derived from sea waves into rotational energy. The experimental tests were achieved locally at the Arabic gulf-South of Iraq/Basra (Khor Alzubayr). the tests were performed in two cases named: after happening the tidal (tested in one direction) and at the increasing of the sea water (tested in bidirectional). The results of local tests (at the sea) show that the maximum power of test was recorded value about 68 W in case of happening the tidal with an increase percentage of 92.6% over the case of bidirectional. These findings encouraging for more investigation in the methods that could increase energy harvesting from ocean waves since it is an enormous amount of energy.


University of Diyala, College of Science


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science








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