1. Gastrointestinal Unit, Center for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, and Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114
2. Department of Medicine, Department of Genetics, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Children’s Hospital Boston, Immune Disease Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115
3. Unit of Clinical Allergy Research, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm 17176, Sweden
4. Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21045-900, Brazil
5. Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390
6. Center for Human Genetics and Department of Hematology, University Hospital Leuven and University of Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
7. Molecular Immunology Unit, UCL Institute of Child Health, University College London, London WC1N 1EH, England, UK
8. Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Hannover Medical School, 30625 Hannover, Germany