Clinical-Diagnostic Glossary of the Typology of Sleep Disorders in Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Guk Galina


ourse. The aim of the study was to form a clinical glossary of the typology of sleep disorders in servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Based on the Zaporizhzhia military hospital, 64 active servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with inorganic sleep disorders were examined. Based on the data obtained using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the clinical interview, five diagnostic vectors for assessing the dyssomnic status in servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were formed. Compilations of correspondences for certain diagnostic vectors formed specific variants of the dyssomnia syndrome, among which: affective-ruminative (occurred in 7.8 % people), ideator-ruminative (18.7 %), obsessive- ruminative (10.9 %), agrypnic (7.8 %), agrypno-dysphoric (14.1 %), agrypno-asthenic (21.9 %), agrypnoanesthetic (10.9 %), agrypno-hypersthenic (9.4 %), anxiety-inlaid (9.4 %), hypersensitive-inlaid (7.8 %), somatoform- inlaid (15.6 %), incubus-inlaid (25.0 %), alternating (12.5 %), inverted (18.8 %), grueling (3.1 %), anxietyinduced (14.1 %), somatoform-induced (10.9 %), incubus-induced (15.6 %), hypersensitive-induced (10.9 %), abortive (6.3 %), anxiety-fragmented (7.8 %), hypersensitive-fragmented (12.5 %), somatoform-fragmented (7.8 %), incubus-fragmented (14.1 %). According to the five formed diagnostic vectors for dyssomnic status assessment, due to which variants of sleep disorders characteristics compilations were identified and their glossary was formed. Worked out glossary is a universal nominative tool for detailed clinical description of dyssomnic manifestations.


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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