The place of gabapentinoids in providing specialized care to patients with mental and behavioral disorders according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (literature review)


Markozova Lubov


The article considers the problem of the use of gabapentinoids at the present stage to persons with mental and behavioral disorders according to the principles of evidence-based medicine based on the literature and the author’s own experience; the absence of a common opinion among the authors is determined; conclusions are drawn that the use of gabapentinoids to persons with mental and behavioral disorders are not for their intended purpose; the necessity of maintaining a balance between the potential ben- efits and the risk of harm and taking into account the high potential for the deve- lopment of dependence on gabapentinoids in patients with different nosolo- gies is emphasized, and therefore the appointment of gabapentinoids is not recommended for providing specialized care to patients as monotherapy, the question of the effectiveness of combi- nation therapy remains open. The use of gabapentinoids is not recommended for providing specialized care for people with dependence on alcohol and other psychoactive substances, or with any other type of dependence. The features of the use of gabapentinoids in elderly patients and people with opioid depen- dence are determined.


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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