Questions on the feasibility of using virtual reality technologies in the education of schoolchildren and students


Novikova Galina Viktorovna1


1. Faculty of Pedagogical Education Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article discusses the desirability of massive use of virtual reality technologies in secondary and tertiary education. Due to the policy of digital education, virtual reality technologies are now used not only in the entertainment industry but also in many educational organizations. There are currently no large-scale scientific studies in Russia or abroad on the effectiveness of the use of virtual reality technologies that do not harm users' health. We conducted a study on the impact of the virtual reality film on the psyche and personality of young people, with the participation of more than 60 young people between the ages of 18 and 35. Evidence suggests that the process of immersion in virtual reality has not been the same, depending on the psychophysiological characteristics of young people. 10% of the participants felt uncomfortable watching the film. Overall, one month after viewing, the subjects showed vivid memory traces and a desire to use virtual reality helmets for educational purposes. A number of questions remain to be resolved regarding the organization of studies with schoolchildren: 1) whether such experiments are possible with minors; 2) whether virtual reality helmets can be used on a large scale in educational organizations; 3) with which groups of child health restrictions virtual reality technologies cannot be applied; 4) who and what liability will be incurred in cases of damage to the health of children and adolescents as a result of the use of virtual reality technologies; 5) what are the limits on the age of schoolchildren and the length of time spent in virtual reality.


Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics

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