On invariant finite-difference schemes for equations of one-dimensional flows of a polytropic gas for problems with spatial symmetries


Russkov Aleksander AlekseevichORCID,Kaptsov Evgeny IgorevichORCID


One-dimensional polytropic gas dynamics equations for plane, radially symmetric, and spherically symmetric flows are considered. Invariant properties of equations are discussed, local conservation laws are derived. Additional conservation laws are written, which take place only in case of special values of adiabatic exponent. Classical difference scheme of Samarsky-Popov for gas dynamics has all difference analogs of conservation laws, except for additional ones. In difference schemes additional conservative laws take place in case of special state equation approximation. Scheme of Samarsky-Popov with special state equation was initially suggested by V.A. Korobitsyn. He described it as ‘thermodynamically consistend’ In current paper group properties, and conservation laws of thermodynamically consistent schemes are discussed, and numerical implementation for plane, cylinder, and spherical flows is perfomed.


Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics


General Medicine

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