Microwave Magnon-Plasmon-Polaritons in the Ferromagnetic Metal–Screened Insulator Structure


Malyshev V. Yu.,Zavislyak I. V.,Melkov G. A.,Popov M. O.,Prokopenko O. V.


A possibility for surface magnon–plasmon–polaritons (SMPPs)–coupled microwave oscillations of magnetization, electron density, and electromagnetic field–to exist in real ferromagnetic metal–insulator–ideal non-magnetic metal structures has been analyzed theoretically. The developed theory predicts that the effective formation of SMPPs is possible only at certain values of the external dc magnetic field and must be accompanied by a shift in the characteristic frequency of the resonance plasmon-polariton systems. A theoretical estimation of the frequency shift for SMPPs in the structure “surface electromagnetic wave resonator made of permalloy–vacuum–ideal metal” gives a value of ±45 MHz for a resonator with a characteristic frequency of 10 GHz, which seems sufficient for this effect to be observed experimentally.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)


General Physics and Astronomy

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