1. F. P. Bowden, The Friction and Lubrication of Solids (Eds. F. P. Bowden and D. M. Tabor) (Moscow: Mashinostroenie: 1968), p. 543 (in Russian).
2. M. N. Brykov, V. G. Yefremenko, and A. V. Yefremenko, Iznosostoykost Staley i Chugunov pri Abrazivnom Iznashivanii [Abrasion Resistance of Steels and Cast Irons] (Ed. D. S. Grin) (Kherson: 2014), p. 364 (in Russian).
3. I. I. Tsypin, Belye Iznosostoikie Chuguny. Struktura i Svoystva [Wear Resistant White Cast Irons. Structure and Characteristics] (Ed. I. I. Tsypin) (Moscow: Metallurgiya: 1983), p. 176 (in Russian).
4. V. P. Gavriliuk, Abrazivostoykie Vysokokhromistye Chuguny: Monografiya [Abrasion-Resistant High-Chromium Cast Irons: Monograph] (Eds. V. P. Gavriliuk, V. I. Tikhonovich, I. A. Shalevskaia, and Yu. I. Gutko) (Luhansk: 2010), p.141 (in Russian).
5. L. S. Malinov, Povyshenie Iznosostoykosti Staley i Chugunov za Schet Polucheniya v Ikh Structure Metastabilnogo Austenita i Realizatsii Effekta Samozakalki pri Nagruzhenii [Increasing the Wear Resistance of Steels and Cast Irons Due to the Production of Metastable Austenite in Their Structure and the Implementation of the Self-Quenching Effect Under Loading] (Eds. L. S. Malinov and V.L. Malinov) (Metall i Lityo Ukrainy, 2001, Nos. 1-2), p. 8 (in Russian).