Synthesis of Ni and Cu nanopowders by electrolysis


Zolotarenko Ol. D., ,Rudakova E. P.,Zolotarenko An. D.,Shvachko N. A.,Akhanova N. Y.,Ualkhanova M.,Schur D. V.,Lavrenko V. A.,Gabdullin M. T.,Zhirko Yu. I.,Zolotarenko A. D.,Tarasenko Yu. O.,Chymbai M. V.,Havryliuk O. O., , , , , , , , , , , , ,


The preparation of ceramic composites based on metal nanopowders allows us to change significantly the thermal characteristics of the ceramic matrix, which is important for the creation of heat-conducting ceramics technology. The work establishes the most efficient method of obtaining nickel nanopowder on a “P-5848” potentiostat by electrolysis of nickel sulfate (NiSO4) with the addition of boric acid (H3BO3), thiourea ((NH4)2CS) and nickel(II) chloride (NiCl2). The synthesis of Ni nanopowder was carried out at a current density from 1.0 to 3.3 A/dm2 and at a temperature of 45–65 °C, where a platinum (Pt) plate was chosen as an anode, and the cathode was specially made of especially pure aluminum (Al). The results of the study showed the synthesis of Ni nanopowder with a size of 55 nm in the form of thin scales. Electrochemical reactions at the cathode and anode are also considered in the work. Several successful experiments were also carried out in the work, which made it possible to develop an economically profitable technology for the synthesis of copper nanopowder by the electrolysis method at 13.3 ampere-hours of current per 1 dm2 of the anode surface at a relatively low temperature of the copper sulfate solution (CuSO4). Copper nanopowder is removed to the bottom of the bath from the anode by impact shaking. An equally successful experiment was carried out, where the cathode was in the form of several copper plates at the distance of 0.8 cm from each other with a voltage between them of 0.775 V, and a current density of 15.3 A/dm2 at the temperature of 54 °С in an electrolyte with 45 % H2SO4, 8 % Na2SO4 and 4 % CuSO4. The work contains tables with initial and final data of all experiments on the synthesis of nanopowders by the electrolysis method.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)


Materials Chemistry,Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Surfaces, Coatings and Films,Surfaces and Interfaces,Ceramics and Composites







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