1. 1. V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the NAS of Ukraine in 1960–2010, edited by V.F. Machulin (Intertekhnodruk, Kyiv, 2010) (in Ukrainian).
2. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 5, 442 (1941) [English translation: Ukr. J. Phys. 53, Special issue, 53 (2008)]; V.E. Lashkaryov and K.M. Kosonogova;Lashkaryov;Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Ser Fiz,1941
3. 100 years of semiconductor science
4. 5. V.E. Lashkaryov, V.G. Litovchenko, N.M. Omel'yanovskaya, R.N. Bondarenko, and V.I. Strikha, Zh. Tekhn. Fiz. 27, 2437 (1957).
5. 6. V.E. Lashkaryov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 73, 813 (1950).