A study of anxiety conditions in ukrainians during war after news reviews in the media


Parasiei–Hocher A.O., ,Shevchuk G.Yu.,


The article presents the results of a study of anxiety states among Ukrainians during war after watching news in the media. Particular attention is paid to the study of assessing the level of situational (reactive) anxiety using the Spielberg-Khanin method. An analysis of theoretical studies and publications is presented that the revision of news in the media has a significant impact on the occurrence of anxiety in people. The rationale for the criteria for human anxiety states is given. The types of anxiety disorder whose symptoms include anxiety and causeless fear are substantiated. Three groups of respondents were identified that are qualitatively different from the general group of respondents in terms of the level of situational anxiety and have a significantly lower chance of developing anxiety disorders and phobias, despite age, gender, and revision of a negative media product. It is noted that the realization of creative potential is one of the preventions of the occurrence of excessive anxiety, fears and phobias. A number of preventive measures are presented aimed at reducing both the level of situational anxiety and the progress of various anxiety states in general.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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