Alexander Mikhailovich Shumlyansky (1748-1795): historiography.


Vasyliev Y., ,Vasyliev K.,


For the first time, a critical analysis of publications about Professor A.M. Shumlyansky was carried out for more than two centuries. Erroneous statements and errors are revealed; the gaps in Professor’s biography, which were subject to research, are indicated. The periodization of historiography is proposed. 1) Pre-Soviet period. In 1812 the first article about Professor was published. It is shown that the article has the character of a primary source, serving as the basis for the presentation of his subsequent biographies. 2) The Soviet period. During this period S.L. Sobol’s fundamental research saw the light. He introduced into scientific circulation and published a number of materials from the home archive of A.M. Shumlyansky. He described in detail his contribution to science. In this connection, he published a translation into Russian the second part of the Latin dissertation of Dr. Shumlyansky. 3) Post-Soviet period. On the one hand, a study appeared confirming the priority of Professor Shumlyansky, and on the other hand, an emphasis was placed on social history in the study of his biography.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

Reference29 articles.

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