The data showed that all patients had complaints, mainly for 2-3 symptoms. 56 patients of the main group (70.0 ± 5.1%) and 24 patients of the comparison group (80.0 ± 7.3%) complained of menstrual irregularities. Dysmenorrhea was observed in 42 patients of the main group (52.5 ± 5.6 %) and 12 patients in the comparison group (40.0 ± 8.9%), polymenorrhea, respectively, in 9 (11.2 ± 3.6%) and 5 (16.7 ± 6.8%) women. As a result of menstrual dysfunction in 11 women (13.7 ± 5.1%) of the main group, such a complication of the underlying disease as anemia of the I degree (blood hemoglobin level 110 — 91g / l) was noted. Anemia grade II (blood hemoglobin level of 90 — 71 g / l) was detected in 7 (8,8%) women of the main group. Patients in the comparison group showed anemia of I degree in 4 (13,3%) women and 2 women (6.7%) had anemia of II degree. Of all the patients examined, 49.1 ± 4.8% (54 women) complained of pain in the lower abdomen, having a diverse nature (aching, nagging pains radiating to the lumbar region). Dysuric disorders were observed in only 14 women (12.7 ± 3.2% of women).
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
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