Anomalies of the Sound Absorption Coefficient for Binary Solutions with a Critical Stratification Temperature


Bulavin L. A.,Bilous O. I.,Balega A. V.,Svechnikova O. S.


The results of the analysis of experimental data concerning the sound absorption in the nitro-methane–n-pentanol and nitrobenzene-n-hexane solutions obtained in a wide frequency interval of 5–2800 MHz and measured along the isotherms and isoconcentrates, including their critical values, are presented. The detected anomalous dependences of the sound absorption coefficient were found to obey the laws of the dynamic scaling theory only in the fluctuation region of the problem parameters, wтfl ≫ 1. The sound frequency growth (f ≥ 110 MHz) in the examined frequency interval, as well as moving away from the critical temperature and concentration values, is proved to transit the system from the critical region into the crossover, wтfl ∼ 1, or even hydrodynamic, wтfl ≪ 1, one.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)


General Physics and Astronomy

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