1. 1. Basic requirements for frequency and power regulation in the IES of Ukraine. Normative document of the Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, Guidelines, SOU-N EE YAEK 04.156:2009. Kyiv: Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, DP NEC Ukrenerho. 2009. 78 p. (Ukr)
2. 2. Requirements for primary frequency regulation and frequency maintenance reserve (primary regulation reserve). Transmission system code. 8.4.2. Pp. 124-129. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0309874-18 (accessed at 17.01.2023). (Ukr)
3. 3. Requirements for secondary frequency regulation and frequency recovery reserves (secondary regulation reserve). Transmission system code. 8.4.3. WITH. Pp. 129-133. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0309874-18 (accessed at 17.01.2023). (Ukr)
4. 4. Requirements for tertiary frequency regulation and replacement reserves. Transmission system code. 8.4.4. Pp. 133-134. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0309874-18 (accessed at 17.01.2023). (Ukr)
5. 5. Methodologies and recommendations for the organization of primary and secondary regulation of frequency and power at TPP units. Normative document of the Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, Guidelines, SOU-N EE 04.157: 2009. Kyiv: Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, DP NEC Ukrenerho. 2009. 77 p. (Ukr)