The Self-Checking Concurrent Error-Detection Systems Synthesis Based on the Boolean Complement to the Bose-Lin Codes with the Modulo Value M=4


Efanov D.V., ,Sapozhnikov V.V.,Sapozhnikov Vl.V., ,


The presented paper is devoted to the development of the Boolean complement method for the organization of the self-checking concurrent error-detection (CED) systems for digital devices. The article considers the features of using the modular sum codes (Bose-Lin codes) for these purposes, especially the Bose-Lin code by the modulo M = 4. This code has two check bits and only four different check vectors, this makes it easier to use it in the organization of the self-checking CED system. The article presents the block diagrams of the organization of the CED system by the method of Boolean complement to the considered modular sum code. The examples of the CED system synthesis by the Boolean complement method are given. The article defines the restrictions imposed on the CED systems synthesis procedure, and also forms an algorithm for synthesizing a self-checking CED systems by the method of the Boolean complement to the Bose-Lin code by the modulo M = 4.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)

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