The American Brodsky: A Research Overview




Abstract A Russian-American poet and essayist, a Nobel laureate, Joseph Brodsky is hardly present on the map of American studies. The following overview attempts to provide materials for remedying this oversight. After all, though the overwhelming majority of Brodsky scholars are Slavists, valuable work on Brodsky in an American context has been done, and a substantial part of it has been published in English. After a short biographical excursion, the materials are assembled according to the following categories: “Brodsky in America,” “Brodsky and American Literature,” “Brodsky as an American Poet,” and “Brodsky's Self-Translations into English.” In 2016, twenty years after his death in New York, the time seems ripe for a reconsideration.


The Pennsylvania State University Press


Literature and Literary Theory

Reference112 articles.

1. Akhapkin, Denis. Iosif BrodskiXposle Rossii: Kommentarii k stikham 1972-1995. St. Petersburg, Russ.: Zvezda, 2009. Print.

2. Albarelli, Irene Artigas. '“Que el inglés, entonces, hospede a mis muertos': Joseph Brodsky, exiliado en Nantucket.” TRANS- 4 (2007). Web. Jan. 19,2016. <>; DOI: 10.4000/trans.204.

3. Altieri, Charles. The Art of Twentieth-Century American Poetry: Modernism and After. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print.

4. Babanina, N. N., and V. A. Milovidov. '“In Memoriam' Iosifa Brodskogo.” Perevod kak mode- lirovanie i modelirovanieperevoda. Ed. I. Kliukanov. Tver, Russ.: Tver State UP, 1991. 19-25. Print.

5. Bajoni, Maria Grazia. “Changing Countries: Exile and Classical Influences in Joseph Brodsky.” Roczniki Humanistyczne: Annales de Lettres et Sciences Humaines/Annals of Arts 51.3 (2003): 131-38. Print.







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