1. Ackerman, Andy, dir. 1997. Seinfeld. Season 8, episode 19, “The Yadda Yadda.” Aired April 24, 1997 on NBC. Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007. DVD.
2. Beatty, Paul. 2006. Introduction to Hokum: An Anthology of African-American Humor. Edited by Paul Beatty. New York: Bloomsbury.
3. Biale, David. 2008. Thinking Impossibilities: The Intellectual Legacy of Amos Funkenstein. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press.
4. The Big Lebowski. Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. March 6, 1998. New York: NBC Universal. Amazon Video.
5. “Birdsong.” Genealogy.com. Accessed November 1, 2017. www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/birdsong