Introduction: The practice of plastic surgery began in the field of reconstructive surgery, in an attempt to recover the functionality of some area of the body or give it a more natural appearance. In this sense, the role of the physical therapist is recommended in various aesthetic surgeries that, through physical therapy resources and techniques, promote tissue healing, reduce the appearance of adhesions, and reduce or eliminate pain, bruises, and edema. Objective: to identify the effects of physical therapy in the postoperative period of plastic surgery. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, in which there will be a review of articles related to the study of the effects of physical therapy assistance applied to the postoperative period of plastic surgery. Articles related to the proposed theme were included, published between 2011 and 2024, available in full, without language restriction; in addition to theses, dissertations, and monographs. Exclusion criteria were literature review articles, articles or abstracts that had been published in conference proceedings; as well as letters from editors and preprints. Results and discussions: it can show that physiotherapy in the postoperative period of plastic surgery is essential in reducing recovery time, reducing edema, improving the healing process, and preventing the risk of complications in the postoperative period. The main physiotherapeutic resources and techniques were: lymphatic drainage, ultrasound, radiofrequency, laser, and high frequency. Regarding plastic surgeries, the most frequent in the literature were: abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, rhytidectomy, and liposuction. Final considerations: Dermatofunctional physiotherapy is of paramount importance in the postoperative period of plastic surgery. It is essential in reducing recovery time and reducing the risks arising from surgery.
Heighten Science Publications Corporation
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