Surgical Treatment of Closed Fractures of Long Bones of Extremities with Polytrauma


Isaev I. A., ,Mammadov A. Sh.,Matiev I. I.


The purpose of the study was to improve the functional results of treatment of patients with closed fractures of long bones of the extremities with polytrauma. Materials and methods. The results of treatment of 95 patients with fractures of long bones of the extremities with polytrauma were analyzed. Among them there were 70 (73.9%) men and 25 (26.1%) women. The victims had one or more closed fractured of the long bones of the limbs. Persons of young and able-bodied age from 31 to 50 years old prevailed – 47 (48.9%) patients. Results and discussion. Active restorative treatment was started on the second and third days after the operation at the beginning of passive movements in the joints then, as the postoperative wound healed, on the sixth and seventh days, it was active. Depending on the nature of the fractures various implants were used, in most cases, low-contract ones, which in a particular case allow achieving maximum anatomical reposition and achieving stable fixation of fragments, which provides the possibility of an early start in the development of the joint. In the immediate postoperative period in 11 patients with open fracture type B3, superficial suppuration of the soft tissues around the pins was noted, which was easily dealt with using a device for injecting drugs into the infected pin channel. Four patients with granulating wounds of the lower leg underwent autodermoplasty with a free skin graft, all 100% were healed. Phlebothrombosis developed in three patients with hip fractures: they underwent an urgent operation by angiosurgeons – vessel plexization. Long term results of treatment in terms of 8 months to 5 years were studied in 76 patients. Treatment outcomes were assessed with some criteria (union, neuro vascular disorder, varus or valgus, rotation, shortening of the limb, movement in the knee and hip joint, pain, walking hanging activity). Four patients developed chronic osteomyelitis, they underwent seguestrectomy with sub segment recovery. Delayed consolidation was noted in six patients with complex fractures (type C). Two patients developed a defect in the bones of the lower leg up to 5 sm, they subsequently underwent lengthening of the segment. Post-traumatic contracture was noted in four patients. Three patients had persistent leg edema, chronic post-traumatic thrombophletitis, equinus deformity of the feet, significant chromate – the result was rated as “poor”. According to the results of ratings as “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “poor”, quantitative designations were assigned as 5, 4, 3, 2 points, respectively. In the 76 patients studied, the long-term results were assessed as follows: in 24 (31.6%) patients the result was regarded as excellent (5 points), in 37 (48.7%) patients it was good (4 points), in 12 (15.8%) %) – satisfactory (3 points), in 3 (3.4%) – poor (2 points). Conclusion. As a result of the use of low-contact on-bone plates in the osteosynthesis of complex comminuted fractures of long bones, with combined injuries, 90.3% gave excellent and good functional results. With a combined chest injury, intramedullary osteosynthesis with a pin with reaming is contraindicated, due to the risk of developing fat embolism. In these patients, it is necessary to operate with bone plates


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University


Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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