Morphometric and Metabolic Disorders in the Bone Tissue of Laboratory Rats with Chronic Toxic Hepatitis


Mogilevskaya T. V., ,Makarenko O. A.,Gladkiy T. V., , ,


The development of osteodystrophy in diseases of the hepatobiliary system is a known fact, but the mechanism of the formation of metabolic disorders in bone tissue in liver pathology is not fully understood. The purpose of the study was to study morphological and biochemical changes in the bone tissue of female and male rats during the modeling of chronic toxic hepatitis. Materials and methods. Modeling of toxic hepatitis was carried out on 1 month old male and female Wistar rats by intraperitoneal injection of hydrazine sulfate 50 mg / kg twice a week for 3 months. The experiment was conducted in accordance with the norms and principles of the EU Council Directive on the protection of vertebrates used for scientific purposes. Morphometric measurements (density, content of mineral-organic, mineral and organic components) were carried out on the femurs and the last lumbar vertebra. Elastase activity, acidic phosphatase (indicators of bone resorption); alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium content (indicators of the synthesis of new bone tissue) were determined in homogenates of the bone tissue of the jaws and femur. The mineralizing index was calculated from the ratio of the activities of acidic phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. Results and discussion. A decrease in the quantities organic matrix with a preserved intensity savings of bone tissue mineral parts in females and a decrease intensity in bone tissue mineralization in males under the influence of toxic hepatitis were found. Biochemical studies of bone tissue showed the activation of the destruction of the protein matrix of the bone, the intensification of mineralization in females, as well as the activation of hydrolysis of hydroxyapatite, along with a decrease in the level of calcium in the bone tissue of animals of both sexes against the background of modeling of chronic toxic hepatitis. Conclusion. The studies carried out have established multidirectional disorders of the metabolism and structure of bone tissue in males and females, induced by prolonged administration of hydrazine sulfate: in females, suppression of the formation of an organic matrix with a preserved intensity of bone mineralization, and in males, a decrease in bone mineralization against the background of a slightly increased intensity of synthesis of the organic component. The established patterns made it possible to reduce the negative effect of Hydrazine Sulfate on the protein metabolism of rat bone tissue, indirectly through the metabolism of estrogens. The results of our study provided experimental justification for the development of a scheme for the Prevention of osteodystrophic conditions in conditions of chronic exposure to toxins or impaired liver function


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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