Gulyaev I. V.,Stepanov S. E.,Vasenin A. B.,Kosorotov A. A.,Kryukov O. V.
The article considers a scientifically based approach that ensures trouble-free operation of large-scale distributed production facilities using a set of measures, one of the components of which is an automated monitoring system. A procedure for automated collection of a large array of data from the entire object in a relatively short period of time with automatic interpretation and visualization of information in forms convenient for decision-making is proposed. It is shown that one of the most important indicators of the functioning of pipeline transport is the level of the stress-strain state of the metal, which depends on internal and external factors – the parameters of the transportation process, the state of the pipeline metal, ground movement and other meteorological and technological factors. At the same time, the integration of the monitoring system with automated systems for planning and carrying out routine maintenance and repair work, as well as closer integration with automated process control systems and dispatch control systems, is very significant. As a result of the creation of such a system of integrated monitoring of the gas pipeline, data exchange speeds are increased, their analytical processing is provided, as well as rapid visualization on the control room operator's workstation. The implementation of these procedures for automatic interpretation and visual representation of large volumes of incoming information contributes to the support of operational decision-making during the operation of oil and gas pipelines in adverse environmental conditions.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC
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