The objective of this study was to adapt the Body Understanding Measure for Pregnancy Scale into the Turkish language and to examine the psychometric properties in pregnancy. The methodological study was conducted with 508 healthy pregnant women. Language validation, content validation, and pilot scheme are the three phases of cultural adaptation of the scale. The construct validity of the scale was analyzed using both Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses. The reliability of the scale was tested using parallel-form reliability, test-retest reliability, Cronbach's α coefficient of internal consistency, and item-total correlation. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis conducted supports the three-factor structure of the scale that is constructed by Exploratory Factor Analysis. We determined Cronbach’s α coefficient of internal consistency to vary between 0.78 and 0.88 for the scale total and the subscales. Besides, there was a high correlation between the parallel-form reliability, test-retest reliability, and item-total correlation of the scale. The Turkish version of Body Understanding Measure for Pregnancy Scale is a validated and reliable tool designed to evaluate the body image concerns of Turkish pregnant women.
General Materials Science