Stroke during cardiac and non-cardiac procedures (review)


Lomivorotova L. V.1


1. E.N. Meshalkin National Medical Research Center


Annually, more than 300 millions surgical procedures are performed worldwide. Aging population and an increase in number of patients with comorbidities increase the risk of various complications. Perioperative stroke is not very common, but very serious complication in cardiac and non-cardiac surgery, which adversely influence mortality and disability at long-term follow-up. The etiology of stroke is multifactrorial and far from being understood. Main factors, responsible for development of this complication, include hypoperfusion, microembolization of brain vessels, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. However, to date, there is no convincing evidence of the benefits of certain methods of preventing perioperative stroke during cardiac and non-cardiac surgery.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia

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