Analysis of spelling errors in Moore by teachers in French/Moore bilingual classes in Burkina Faso


TIROGO Issoufou François1ORCID


1. Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo


This study focuses on the analysis of spelling errors in Moore made by teachers in French/Moore bilingual classes in Burkina Faso. The problem raised by this research is that a good number of studies are interested in the orthographic productions of learners without questioning the quality of the designs of teachers' educational sheets. We wondered whether the learners' lack of mastery of the spelling rules is not partly linked to the shortcomings of their teachers, especially in the field of national languages such as Moore. Therefore, this study aims at identifying the different categories of errors made by teachers while highlighting the origin of these errors. From a corpus made up of preparation sheets for Mathematics lessons, the hypotheses confronted with the results led to recommendations for remediation in order to contribute somewhat to improving the quality of the teaching of Mathematics in Moore in bilingual French/Moore classes in Burkina Faso.


Université Joseph KI-ZERBO


Disiplinlerarasi Egitim Arastirmalari Dergisi

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