Peculiarities of Clarias gariepinus Physiological State under Conditions of Food Deprivation and Water Environment Quality


Romanenko V. D.,Krot Yu. G.,Krasiuk Yu. M.,Medovnyk D. V.,Kudriavtseva D. O.


The paper is dealt with the study of <i>Clarias gariepinus</i> physiological state under conditions of food deprivation, and also of the influence of the products of its metabolism on the formation of water environment quality in turnover systems. The performed experimental studies suggest that fish cultivation under conditions of deprivation accompanied by the deterioration in water quality results in the decrease in its fatness indices, including primarily liver and abdominal fat mass, and also in the use of energy reserves of the organism -glycogen, proteins, and lipids. The influx of fish metabolites into the water results in the deterioration in its quality, including primarily the increase in the concentration of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus phosphates, and worsens <i>Clarias gariepinus</i> living conditions. Ammonium and nitrite transformation into less dangerous nitrate is registered at a sufficient level of water saturation with oxygen.


Begell House


Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Ecology

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