Impact of Natural Pest on the Invasive Species Pistia stratiotes in Water Bodies nearby Kyiv


Trylis V. V.,Chumak V. O.


In 2020, the mass development of the invasive species <i>Pistia stratiotes </i>occurred in the water bodies of the left-bank floodplain of the Dnieper River downstream Kyiv, the biomass reached 10 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. In 2021, in the same water bodies its biomass was significantly lower and amounted to 6-15&#37; of the last year's, at this most specimens were damaged by the waterlily aphid<i> Rhophalosiphum nymphaea</i>. They looked supressed and had the yellowed leaves. The invasion intensity reached some hundred aphids per a <i>Pistia</i> specimen. The extensity of infestation was uneven: from 100&#37; to 20&#37; in the least affected clusters. On the whole, the portion of the damaged plants was about 70&#37; of total numbers. The waterlily aphid is a widespread species in Ukraine and is a natural enemy of <i>Pistia</i>, which can serve as an effective mean of its control.


Begell House


Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Ecology

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