1. The resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court dated 20.12.94 #10 (edited on 06.02.07) 'Some questions of application of legislation on compensation of moral harm'. (In Russ.)
2. Civil code of the Russian Federation (part one) from 30.11.94 #51-FZ (edition from 29.07.17). (In Russ.)
3. Federal law of 21.11.11 #323-FZ (as amended from 29.07.17) 'About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation'. (In Russ.)
4. The law of the Russian Federation from 07.02.92 #2300-1 (as amended from 01.05.17) 'On protection of consumer rights'. (In Russ.)
5. The resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court dated 28.06.12 #17 'About consideration by courts of civil cases on disputes on consumer protection'. (In Russ.)