1. Oral health related quality of life in cleft lip and palate patients rehabilitated with conventional prostheses or dental implants
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3. Esthetic and functional rehabilitation in patients with cleft lip and palate
4. Starikova NV, Korolenkova MV, Soboleva IV, Udalova NV. Razvitie verhnej cheljusti u pacientov s odnostoronnej rasshhelinoj guby i neba v zavisimosti ot vida pervichnogo hirurgicheskogo lechenija: v pomoshh’ prakticheskomu vrachu. Rossijskij stomatologicheskij zhurnal. 2016;20(4):214-217 (In Russ.)
5. Alternatives for Rehabilitation of Cleft Patients With Severe Maxillomandibular Discrepancy