1. Priority project 'Improvement of medical care through the introduction of information technologies' (e-health) (InRuss) http://government.ru/projects/selection/634
2. The order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, together with the RAMS from N 344/76 from August 27, 2001 'On approval of the concept of development of telemedical technologies in the Russian Federation and the implementation plan (InRuss) http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&ts=417109670011350388781049525&cacheid=D4A9D02935E8D17E140F52808E9745A5&mode=splus&base=LAW&n=98525&rnd=0.08385260773943903#g6cqaihpxd
3. The Federal law from 29.07.2017 N 242-FZ 'On amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding questions on the application of information technology in health care' //Collected legislation of the Russian Federation, 31.07.2017, no. 31 (part I), art. 4791 (InRuss)
4. Order of Ministry of health of Russia from 30.11.2017 # 965 'Ratifying the procedure for the organization and delivery of medical care using telemedicine technology' (InRuss) Ofitsial'nyi internet-portal pravovoi informatsii http://www.pravo.gov.ru
5. Zaitseva NA, Shiryaeva AS. Telemedicine in the modern system of health /Medical Newsletter /Online conferences. 2016. T. 6. N 1. P. 58 (In Russ)