«The Rules for <i>Terakoya</i> School Disciples» by Sasayama Baian (late 17th century): Japanese text and Russian translation


Lushchenko A. Yu.1


1. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article contains a full Russian translation of «The Rules for Terakoya School Disciples» («Terako seikai shikimoku») written by the Osaka-based calligraphy teacher Sasayama Baian (late 17th century). This text was not only a list of school rules and moral teachings, but it also functioned as a model text to be copied by hand. It was republished many times in the 18th–19th centuries, gaining popularity as a text widely studied in terakoya schools. Japanese text and Russian translation presented in this article are based on the edition published in 1835. The work’s focus is not on handwriting techniques, but on the significance of mastering handwriting and on the proper behavior of disciples. The text’s author attaches great importance to the concept of the Human Way (hito no michi), that is rooted in Confucian ethics. Relationship between handwriting and human heart/mind (kokoro) figures prominently in this work. Its teachings cover various aspects of a disciple’s life: handling of writing utensils, interaction with teachers and classmates, diligence and concentration, etiquette, harmful habits, behavior in school and on the street. In general, this text clarifies what was approved and criticized in terakoya schools. This didactic text contains expressions written in the epistolary style (sōrōbun) that was used in letters and documents. The text is written in cursive style commonly used in the Edo period. This and other textbooks of the 17th–19th centuries can still be used for educational purposes. For example, it seems useful to read and copy them by hand following the practice of terakoya schools.


Association of Japanologists

Reference14 articles.

1. Grisheleva, L. (1986). Formirovanie yaponskoi natsional’noi kul’tury (konets XVI – nachalo XX veka) [Formation of Japanese national culture (late 16th – early 20th century)]. Moscow: Glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoi literatury izdatel’stva “Nauka”. (In Russian).

2. Istoriya Yaponii: Uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov. (2018) [History of Japan: A textbook for university students]. Ed. by D.V. Streltsov. Moscow: Aspekt Press. (In Russian).

3. Oskina, A. (2013). Kaibara Ekiken i ego “Pravila vospitaniya devochek” [Kaibara Ekiken and his “Precepts for Girls”]. Yearbook Japan, 42, 198–215. (In Russian).

4. Prasol, A.F. (2005). Genezis i razvitie yaponskogo obrazovaniya (VIII – nachalo XX vv.) [Origins and development of Japanese education (8th – early 20th century)]. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of the Doctor of Historical Sciences. Vladivostok: Izdatel’stvo Dal’nevostochnogo universiteta. (In Russian).

5. Dore, R. P. (1984). Education in Tokugawa Japan. Center for Japanese Studies. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan. (Original work published in 1965).








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