Shrinking feature sizes of CMOS transistor has enabled increase in transistor densities and this rising number of transistors increases the power consumption in ICs. Thus, the computing power is primarily constrained by power consumption and high-speed operation. Beyond sub 22 nm, high mobility III-V materials and new device architectures have the potential to provide higher switching speeds and to operate at <0.5V than Si FETs. Heterogeneous integration of such high mobility materials with QWFET architecture have recently emerged a promising transistor option for ultra-high speed and low voltage operation. This paper reviews the heterogeneous integration of InGaAs QWFETs on Si and provide a technological solution for making nanoscale transistors and various integration scheme. As a result, InGaAs quantum well FETs are poised to achieve higher Ion, low-off-state leakage, higher ION/IOFF ratio, higher fT, controlled short channel effect and thus have a potential for future high-speed and ultra-low-power electronics.
The Electrochemical Society
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16 articles.