Management and Control Tools in Student Professional Integration Performance: A Case Study of Graduates from the School of Economics and Management at Yaound é Second University in Cameroon


Shimpi Palash Tushar


This scientific essay focuses on management control tools in the performance of students' professional integration: the case of graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Yaoundé II (Cameroon). It is part of an authentic and current theme with regard to the use of internal control tools and the evaluation of the functioning of services in higher education. What is problematic here is the level of student unemployment and the need for the student to find a professional integration into the labour market. In view of this, we formulated our research problem in the form of a question as follows: What are the management control tools that determine the performance in the successful professional integration of students in the human resources management specialty? Around this main question, there is a lack of effectiveness and a lack of efficiency in the pedagogical system to manage the value-cost couple allowing students in higher education to obtain a job at the end of their academic career. In the methodological framework of our investigation, we used both the quantitative and qualitative methods. The fieldwork carried out by means of a questionnaire was carried out on a sample of (one hundred) 100 students holding a Bachelor's degree in Management Sciences from the classes of 2021 and 2022 from the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Yaoundé II; Data collection was conducted from 04 January to 28 March 2024. At the end of the survey, despite the government's efforts to facilitate the professional integration of students, it appears that only 30% of operational management control tools are made available to graduates to get a job, which is insignificant to facilitate the performance of the successful professional integration of graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management. The main results obtained show that the quality of mobilization of market management tools; the value of the tools to support the management of the company and the evaluation of a model of management control tools guarantee the performance of the professional integration of graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management. At the end of our analysis, we have suggested some possible solutions, namely: policies must seek to obtain results in the context of the objectives set, university governance must break with idleness and waste, human resources management (HRM) must adapt to a better organization for the successful professional integration of graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management.


Century Science Publishing Co

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