Historical roots of traditions of initiation in older age


Budyakova T. P.1ORCID,Antipina E. A.1


1. Bunin Yelets State University


Introduction. The article examines the issues of historical and modern significance of initiation rites. It is noted that initiation rites should be considered as a tool for overcoming psychological barriers before entering old age. At the same time, there are no traditions of age-related initiation aimed at removing barriers of fear of transition to old age. Materials and methods. The research methods were historical and psychological analyzes of the theory and practice of using initiation rites in the history of mankind. The study was carried out based on the study of normative materials and materials describing initiation traditions in different cultures. Results. It is shown that in the history of mankind, the traditions of age-related initiation were developed mainly in childhood, adolescence and youth. Attention is focused on the fact that in Russian culture rituals of initiation into old age have not yet been formed, although there are traditions of honoring elders, although they are not always implemented. Particular attention is paid to the issue of initiation technologies in old age. The practice of initiation in old age, tested in some countries, is considered. It is noted that age-related initiation makes it possible to solve such socio-psychological problems as testing one’s readiness to endure the difficulties of a new age stage; removing barriers of fear before a new age period; introduction to spiritual values; continuity of human existence, etc. Conclusion. Specific proposals have been made for the implementation of rules and approaches to initiation in old age. In particular, it is proposed to coincide the initiation ceremony with the Day of the Elderly. In addition, it is proposed to rename the day of the elderly to the day of honoring the elderly, as was done at one time in Japan.


Bunin Yelets State University


General Medicine

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