1. Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 24.03.2003 N 115 «On Approval of the Rules for Technical Operation of Thermal Power Units» (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02.04.2003 N 4358).
2. Gosstroy RF order from 13.12.2000 N 285 «On Approval of the standard instruction for the technical operation of heating networks of public district heating systems».
3. RD 153-34.0-20.507-98. Standard instruction for technical operation of heat transport and distribution systems (approved by RAO «UES of Russia»06.07.1998).
4. SP 131.13330.2018 «SNIP 23-01-99* Construction Climatology» (approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia N 763/pr of 28.11.2018).
5. Akhmetova IG, Lapin KV. Investigation of non-stationary heat exchange processes in thermal networks of cen- tralized heat supply. Bulletin of Kazan State Energy University. 2022;14(3(55):13-26.