1. Department of PhysiologyInstitute of BiomedicineUniversity of TurkuTurkuFinland
2. Turku Doctoral Programme of Biomedical SciencesTurkuFinland
3. Institute of Public Health and Clinical NutritionDepartment of Clinical NutritionUniversity of Eastern FinlandKuopioFinland
4. Department of MedicineDivision of Internal MedicineUniversity of HelsinkiHelsinkiFinland
5. Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College London, Hammersmith CampusLondonUnited Kingdom
6. Turku Center for Disease ModelingUniversity of TurkuTurkuFinland
7. Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska AcademyUniversity of GothenburgGothenburgSweden
8. Department of PhysiologyInstitute of BiomedicineUniversity of HelsinkiHelsinkiFinland
9. Laboratory Animal CentreUniversity of HelsinkiHelsinkiFinland