Statins in preventing stroke


Kuznetsov ViktorORCID


Abstact. The results of a comprehensive analysis of Simvastatin (at a dose of 20 mg per day) on the functional state of the brain in patients with atherothrombotic ischemic stroke are presented. Simvastatin provokes vasoactive action (increases linear rate of systolic blood flow velocity (LBFVsys) and decreases peripheral resistance in separate vessels of the carotid and vertebra-basilar basins), posseses antiatherogenic action (a drug decrease in the intima size, in the frequency of the atherosclerotic plagues, in the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoproteids (LDLs). This medication leads to a positive reorganization of the bioelectric activity of the brain (increases the frequency of alpha rhythm and decreases the power of the slow rhythms), being more marked in the patients with a left-sided ischemic localization. Complex positive effects of the Simvastatin on the cerebral hemodynamic, bioelectric activity of the brain and lipid metabolism in the patients after athrothrombotic ischemic stroke allow us to recommend Simvastatin not only for the secondary prevention of stroke but also for the correction of CNS functioning in stroke patients during their rehabilitation. Key words: ischemic stroke; statins; bioelectric activity of the brain; cerebral blood flow; atherothrombotic ischemic stroke


State Institution - D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology NAMS of Ukraine

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