Information on the epidemiology, etiology and treatment of premature ejaculation is reviewed. Evidence of the prevalence of premature ejaculation indicates that subjective concern about rapid ejaculation is a common concern worldwide. The hypotheses regarding the pathogenesis of premature ejaculation include: 1.) that it is a learned model of ejaculation maintained by interpersonal anxiety and 2.) that it is a dysfunctional result of the central or peripheral mechanisms that regulate ejaculatory thresholds and 3.) that it is a normal variant in latency ejaculation. Current evidence-based treatment interventions include behavioral psychotherapy and the use of pharmacological agents, including topical anesthetics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The purpose of this paper is to review the existing knowledge base on the definition, prevalence, etiology and treatment of premature ejaculation. American Psychiatric Association (2013).
The Sexology Institute of Romania
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