The article presents the results of a study on the role of the level of education received in shaping the time perspective of the future in adolescence. The object of the study is boys and girls from 15 to 23 years old. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the time perspective in youth, related to the level of education received. The purpose of this research is to study the differences in the characteristics of the time perspective in adolescence, depending on the level of education received. And the hypothesis was the assumption that there are differences in the characteristics of the time perspective of boys and girls related to the level of education received. The author examines in detail the aspect of the topic related to the differences in the time perspective of boys and girls depending on the level of education received. The study was conducted using the method of unfinished sentences of J.Nyutten. The main conclusions of the study were the following statements: - the future of teenagers, boys and girls studying at school is focused on the time period "schooling", and for boys and girls studying at colleges this is the time of "vocational education after school"; - the future of university students is focused on the time period "professional autonomy, work", but this is not relevant for college students. The author's scientific contribution to the study of the topic was to clarify the available data on the formation of a time perspective in youth. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the features of the time perspective in youth associated with studying in educational institutions such as schools, institutions of secondary special education or universities have been identified.
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