Verbs of movement in forms of continuous action in the modern German language


Kabalina Olesia Igorevna


The subject of this research is characteristics of the verbs of movement in the German language. The goal consists in determination of peculiarities of the German verbs of movement in the forms that express continuous action (“Verlaufsformen”).  These forms were common in colloquial language, but currently are not used as the language norm. Determination of the corpus of such verbs was followed by the analysis of each verb of movement in by the three possible forms of continuous action listed in the dictionary. The author explores the characteristics of presence or absence of direct object and reflexive particle next to the verb; analyzes the frequency of territorial application and possible use in speech. The scientific novelty of consists in comprehensive description of the peculiarities of functionality of the verbs of movement in forms of continuous action in the modern German language. It was established that most verbs are used in the same form of continuous action, and some verbs are used in several forms, with indication of a priority form; all verbs are used similarly by other characteristics highlighted in the research. The acquired results can be valuable in the development of materials for theoretical courses on German grammar, theory and practice of translation, interpretation of text in German language, and communication with the native speakers.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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