The Indian experience of region building as a way to counter competitive regionalism in the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East


Belkov Aleksandr Dmitrievich


The subject of the study is the modern regional integration of India on the example of the associations I2U2 and IMEC. The aim of the research is to identify successful methods and approaches of India, which it uses in integration efforts in the Asia-Pacific region. India's successful approaches to the process of adapting to new challenges against the background of China's strengthening in the region are being studied. The basis of the work is a systematic approach and analysis of statistical data, as well as event analysis and content analysis of official documents, Internet sources, historical and institutional methods, induction and deduction methods are used, theories of new regionalism and transregionalism, as well as the theory of regional security blocks are applied. The relevance of the study is determined by the complicated geopolitical situation in which Russia needs to apply more effective practices for rapid integration in this region. The scientific novelty consists in applying theoretical developments to a practice-oriented study of empirically observed regionalization processes in the Asia-Pacific region. In the context of a changing world order, India uses the new opportunities through new region building, applies the approaches of cooperative regionalism and transregionalism, and cooperates on all inter-regional platforms. It finds new partners and markets for its products, participates in integration associations and puts forward its own transport and logistics projects. This helps the country consolidate its leading position. India's integration experience plays a significant practical role for Russia and for other countries striving for development and leadership.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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