The formation of mobilization capacities of the enterprises military-industrial complex in the conditions of their diversification


Batkovskiy Aleksandr Mikhaylovich,Klochkov Vladislav Valer'evich,Fomina Alena Vladimirovna


The subject of this research is the pressing scientific-practical task of how to ensure military-technical procurement of the country by improving optimality of management of the development of material and technical base of the enterprises of military-industrial complex in the conditions of their diversification, however avoiding the militarization of the Russian economy. The authors explore the essence of diversification of the enterprises of military-industrial complex and its economic consequences. It is demonstrated that it raises the competitiveness of enterprises, and thus increases their capitalization. The object of this research is the process of formation of mobilization capacities of the enterprises of military-industrial complex in the current context. The article employs the methods of economic analysis and economic and mathematical modeling of the process of formation of mobilization capacities of the enterprises. The novelty of this research lies in comprehensive examination of the processes of diversification of military production and the formation of mobilization capacities of the enterprises of military-industrial complex. The authors developed a toolset to be implemented in practice for optimizing the process of formation of mobilization capacities of the enterprises in the conditions of their diversification. The conclusion is made on the need and possibility for systematic optimization of the process of formation of mobilization capacities in the conditions of diversification.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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