Judicial statistics and corporate structure of the Russian courts


Vasilev Dmitrii


The subject of this research is the impact of assessment of judicial performance in accordance with the indicators of judicial statistics upon the organization of culture of the Russian court, which incorporates the shared by majority of judges informal rules of conduct, traditions, and values. The article describes such criteria for assessment of judicial performance as “quality”, “quantity”, and “terms”. In studying the historical origin of judicial performance assessment based on judicial statistics, it is demonstrated that the tradition of such assessment was founded in the 1930s, when political leadership who carried out repressive policy instigated “socialistic competition” between the courts and the judges. The article analyzes the impact of the “struggle for statistics” upon conduct of judges. Such circumstance that in consideration of cases the judges take into account judicial statistics violate the requirement of procedural fairness. There is a contradiction between the Russian legislation, which for the most part complies with the universally recognized international principles, and conservative organizational culture of the Russian courts. Mechanism of reproduction of the latter is the inertia of the “struggle for statistics”. In order to bring into compliance the representations of Russian judges on the acceptable conduct with the values of democratic justice, the system of assessment of judicial performance requires revision.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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