Design of K-W-NET model of turbulence based on K-W/V2-F models with the neural network component


Pekunov Vladimir Viktorovich


The subject of this article is the models of turbulence based on introduction of neural network components into the widespread standard semi-empirical models. It is stated that such technique allows achieving significant acceleration of calculation while maintaining sufficient accuracy and stability, by training neural network components based on the data acquires with the use of fairly accurate and advanced models, as well as replacing and complementing separate fragments of the initial models with such components. An overview is give on the existing classical approaches towards modeling of turbulence, which allows determining the V2-F model suggested by Durbin as one of the most advanced, and thereby promising, with regards to subsequent neural network modifications. The author offers the new model of turbulence based on K-W models paired with a neural network component trained in accordance with the V2-F Durbin model. All necessary ratios are provided. The properties of the obtained model are examined in terms of the numerical experiment on the flow over of a single obstacle. The results are compared with data acquired from other semi-empirical models (K-E, K-W), as well as via direct neural network model. It is demonstrated that the proposed model, with less computational labor output in comparison with other models (excluding direct neural network, which, however, is less accurate), provides high precision close to precision of the Durbin model.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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