Problems and Prospects of Legal Regulation of the Federal State Information System for Accounting and Control of Waste Management of Hazard classes I and II


Razov Pavel Sergeevich


The need to preserve the population, the health and well-being of people, to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for life determines the importance of a scientifically based transformation of the waste management system, including waste of hazard classes I and II. In the conditions of digital transformation, the Federal State Information System for Accounting and Control of Waste Management of hazard classes I and II has become a factor in streamlining state management of waste management. The system in question was created for the purpose of information support of waste management activities. At the same time, its creation began in 2019 and included a set of legal, organizational and informational measures. The author has determined that the implementation of this system ensures the implementation at a more advanced level of some economic and legal principles of waste management, including the principle of "polluter pays", the principle of economic incentives and the principle of proximity. At the same time, taking into account the identified problems at the present stage of development, directions for improving this system are seen, including: increasing its openness to ensure the possibility of civil control over the sphere of waste management, as well as the use of up-to-date digital technologies, including smart contract technologies that provide automatic transmission of information to the system. The author's ideas can be used to improve the legal regulation of this system and subsequent scientific research.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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