Features of the Digitalization of the Educational Process in a Sports Higher Education Institutions


Zakharova Akulina E.,Alekseeva Galina Gavrilievna,Yavlovskaya Praskovya Egorovna


The article deals with the peculiarities of distance learning organisation in a sport higher education institution during the pandemic. The subject of the study is the process of distance learning organisation in higher education institute during the period of COVID-19 restrictive measures. The Churapchinsky State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport is one of the first higher education institutions located in a rural environment, with more than 90% of its students coming from the heritage and districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The specifics of higher education institute imply a large volume of practical training sessions and daily training in selected sports in equipped sports facilities. The distance learning format has made significant adjustments to the content and forms of practical training, in particular student sports training. A total of 320 full-time and part-time students from 7 areas of study took part in the survey. The results revealed the degree of students' readiness for the transition to distance learning, assessment of the possibility of full training for credit-examination session and state final attestation, features of practical training in elective courses of physical education and sports disciplines, the level of satisfaction, advantages and disadvantages in the organization of distance learning in higher education institution. The results of the study can be used to improve the organisation of distance learning in higher education institutions, while maintaining the quality and accessibility of the educational process. The novelty of the study lies in the investigation of the organisation of the distance learning format and the attitudes towards it of the students of a physical education institution located in a rural area. It has been established that the transition of the educational process to a fully distance format in a sports university has intensified the resources of the institute, forcing the use of information technology in training, while revealing certain difficulties.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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