Analysis of the educational needs of foreign students in the context of educational design


Kukuev Evgenii Anatol'evich,Dzida Natal'ya Nikolaevna,Buzolina Anastasiya Nikolaevna,Volosnikova Lyudmila Mikhailovna


The subject of this study is the educational needs of foreign students, the consideration of which should determine the design of education. Special attention is paid to cultural, educational, pedagogical, social, household and communicative aspects. The differences between the samples of first- and second-year foreign students for the construction of individual educational trajectories are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the relationship with a female teacher and a male teacher. The nature of relations among students is analyzed. The groups of needs of first- and second-year foreign students are structured. In the empirical part of the study, a survey in the form of a questionnaire was used. The questions were formulated in accordance with the chosen theoretical model of adaptation. In order to increase the objectivity of the results obtained, the question of nationality was removed from the questions about personal data. The questionnaire was written in Russian and English. The results were processed using the statistical software package SPSS-23.0. The main conclusions of the study are: in the second year of study, it is necessary not to reduce, but to activate tutor support. Insufficient awareness of students about the country of study is noticed. The urgency of the need for closer communication with your family is revealed. A high level of evaluation of relationships with teachers is needed. Foreign students are positive about interaction, but psychologically they do not fully realize it. For first-year students, the Russian language is important and therefore the sphere of communication and possible problems due to differences are updated. For foreign students of the second year of study, the fact of integration into the socio-cultural and educational environment of Russia is relevant.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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