The purpose of the research is to analyze the role of SMEs in the improvement and consolidation of social infrastructure in the regions of the Republic of Moldova.
The methodology of the research - în the research, the comparative method, the scientific abstraction, etc., were used. Also, the inductive method was used, with the help of which concrete facts were generalized, analyzed, synthesized and conclusions were formulated on the researched problem.
The results of the research - the contribution of SMEs to the economic growth and regional development of the Republic of Moldova is evaluated, to the generation of jobs, the stimulation of economic activities in different regions of the Republic of Moldova, the problems and trends of small business development in the Republic of Moldova are identified.
The practical importance of the research - to identify effective tools to support small and medium-sized enterprises in order to develop the regional social infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova. The importance of supporting SMEs is argued as essential for increasing the quality of life and reducing inequalities in the country.
The originality and scientific novelty of the research - consists in approaching an important topic for the social and economic development of the Republic of Moldova, with an emphasis on the contribution of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to the regional social infrastructure.
Scientific Journals Publishing House
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