Sundari N,Swarup Asha,Prabhu Vinay MD
A P2L2 postmenopausal lady came with a history of mass PV with difficulty to walk and pain in the left hip. She also had a scan report showing a left complex adnexal mass suggesting ovarian malignancy. GPE showed a vague mass in the LIF which on CT scan was diagnosed as a retroperitoneal neoplasm measuring 100 × 70 × 80 mm. Core needle biopsy of the mass came as poorly differentiated metastatic carcinoma. No primary found. Palliative chemotherapy for 6 cycles with Paclitaxel and Cisplatin was given and the mass completely regressed in size.
How to cite this article
Jyothi GS, Sundari N, Prabhu VMD, Swarup A. Mass Per Abdomen: A Diagnostic Dilemma. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2012;4(3):161-163.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
Obstetrics and Gynecology